Integrative Medicine Fellowships Awarded

Integrative Medicine Fellowships Awarded
The Bravewell Collaborative awarded 38 scholarships to healthcare practitioners to participate in the Bravewell Fellowship Program in Integrative Medicine, a special program within the University of Arizona’s Associate Fellowship in Integrative Medicine.
The University of Arizona’s Associate Fellowship in Integrative Medicine is a two-year program designed for physicians, physician assistants and nurse practitioners wanting to incorporate the philosophies and techniques of integrative medicine into their medical practice. The Bravewell Collaborative, a philanthropic organization whose mission is to help bring about optimal health and healing for individuals and society by advancing integrative medicine, created the Bravewell Fellowships to provide an opportunity for more healthcare providers to be trained in, and thus practice, integrative medicine. This week 27 Bravewell fellows begin their program. The awards went to:
- Center for Integrative Medicine, University of Maryland
- Canadian Institute of Natural and Integrative Medicine, University of Calgary
- Osher Center for Integrative Medicine, University of California, San Francisco
- Duke Center for Integrative Medicine, Duke University
- Scripps Center for Integrative Medicine, Scripps Health Systems
- The Continuum Center for Health and Healing, New York Beth Israel Hospital
- Jefferson-Myrna Brind Center for Integrative Medicine, Thomas Jefferson University
- The Mayo Clinic
In total 70 fellows begin their fellowship this week at the Westward Look. This is the largest class of Associate Fellows ever. The class also includes seven family medicine residents (including two from the University of Arizona Family and Community Medicine Residency program who are participating in the Integrative Family Medicine Program.
The University of Arizona Program in Integrative Medicine is leading the transformation of healthcare by creating, educating, and actively supporting a community of professionals who embody the philosophy and practice of Integrative Medicine.
Since its inception in 1994, PIM has been:
- Internationally recognized as leader in Integrative Medicine education.
- Developed first comprehensive curriculum in integrative medicine
- Developed first residential fellowship and then translated this into distributed learning associate fellowship
- Co-founded of CAHCIM (Consortium of Academic Health Centers for Integrative Medicine)
- Graduated 146 physicians from its fellowships many of whom hold international, national and local leadership roles
- Created national model for residency training. Developed research methodology for integrative medicine using a complex systems approach.
- Helped develop set of competencies for medical students
Additional information about the Associate Fellowship in Integrative Medicine can be found by contacting Executive Director Victoria Maizes, M.D. (520) 626-6417 or at Additional information about the Bravewell Collaborative can be found at their Web site: